We are the biggest fans of peace. In all its diversity. It is the decision of every single, now and today, tomorrow and every day, to commit yourself for your own inner peace and the development. And it's simple, even when peace is the most valuable and beautiful.

Eva, founder and
Designer from I Am in Peace.
Eva launched i am in Peace in 2016. A heart project that is now carried out by the dear, talented people of Bazzoka Creative into the world.

Be loud.
But Stay in Peace.
Be loud.
But Stay in Peace.
Be loud.
But Stay in Peace.
Our vision
I am in Peace is for all brave souls and free spirits, for the dreamer and implementer, for the quiet and sounds of us. Together we are many!

Why I Am in Peace?
Inner peace is anchored in all of our cultures and religions. So it is nothing that has to be reinvented, but something that we should remember again. I am in Peace is the daily memory of your inner peace.
I AM in Peace is the positive thought in us!